Music absolutely affects our health. Music can bring about sound sleep, boost your mood and reduce anxiety. Joyful music causes the tissues in the inner lining of blood vessels to expand, increasing blood flow according to researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. So play your favorite music and get up or lay down and enjoy. Tip: The music you will probably like best is that from your teen years. Make the message positive. Every song is a story told by someone who has walked that path. What is your favorite song? I would love to hear from you!
Your chair is killing you!
Being a fitness instructor, I am an advocate of getting people up and moving.. That being said, diet is more important to weight loss than exercise. And until you can start getting some of that extra weight off your bones, you are not going to feel like getting up and moving. And you certainly are not going to dance, yoga, or walk those cookies, fries or potato chips away. Your body requires a certain amount of calories just to maintain basic functions throughout the day. To loose weight, the body must burn more calories than it takes know and may have heard it a thousand times, calories in, calories out... So what's a gal or guy to do? Let's hear your ideas before I reveal my suggestions. Let's have fun with this one, but keep it pg please! Many people think of fitness in terms of strength, flexibility and movement (eg.walking, running).
However, there are several components to fitness. They include: Cardiovascular Endurance - that's walking, running and exercising your heart which increases the oxygen flow to all your muscles. Muscular Strength and Endurance - the body's ability to move, lift objects and do day to day activities. For example, muscular endurance is how many times you can move a weight without getting exhausted. Range of Motion - that's your ability to move a joint through a full range of motion (flexibility) . Speed - Enough said! Coordination - how your body works together to produce movements. Agility- can you change body position efficiently, using balance, coordination, speed, reflexes, strength and endurance? Questions? Please contact me on my website, join my mailing list and I will answer your concerns in my future blogs! Hello to all my friends, new and old!
I am so thankful to have the opportunity to connect with you and bring a little light and happiness into your life. As we muddle through the present time, I am reminded of the quote: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change- The courage to change the things I can- And the wisdom to know the difference". At, our goal is to keep you active, healthy and fit. Need a group fitness instructor or wanting to learn to learn to Line Dance? Wanting more flexibility or struggling with balance? Contact us today on our website: Consultation is free. What I do is not my job, it is my passion. Join my email list. If you wish to be removed from this email distribution in the future, please reply to this email or send an email to [email protected] wsith the subject line, Opt-Out of email communications. 813 314 9124 - office land line |
June 2021
CategoriesAuthorJune Kittay, Founder & CEO, June Kittay Enterprises & |
June Kittay EnterprisesTampa Bay bodies
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