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Popular Seminars include:
Emerging Thru Movement You will learn why movement is essential, the importance of proper posture, breathing, flexibilty and so much more. June will demonstrate, and you will be given the opportunity to participate in basic movement. True Beauty-Beauty from the Inside Out! What is true beauty? It is not is creams and lotions. You will be surprised! So You Want to Live to Be 100? Here are the facts and research...You decide the outcome! If you don't take care of your body, where are you going to live? Obesity and Malnutrition- A Global Concern Can obesity and malnution exist in the same body? Find out as June shares the insights and facts. Who's Older/ You or Your Body? Take this simple quiz to find out! Sick or Sensitive? June shares her testimonial of how she learned to survive and thrive with food sensitivities. We will delve into the problem show you how you too can overcome your food challenges. Rate & Recover Your Flexibility and Balance! Get Moving! We Ain't What We Used to Be! Tips by Kittay- Health-Beauty-Lifestyle Thinking Thin-Causes for Overeating |
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