WELCOME AND THANK YOU FOR VISITING TAMPA BAY BODIES. Please scroll down! OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: Customized Group Fitness Classes Line Dance Parties Line Dance Instructor Trainings - Returning 2023 Yoga Workplace Fitness - On Your Feet or in Your Seat! Spiritual Stretch Wine/Body/Spirit Events Corporate Fitness Seminars Active Aging Programs Emerging thru Movement Keynote Addresses on Health & Fitness: Finding Your Joy! Sick or Sensitive? So You Want to Live to be 100? Wit, Wisdom and Wonderful Ways to a Happy Healthy Life The Whole Enchilada Tips by Kittay
What Are You Waiting For?
THE WHOLE ENCHALADIA! New Year! New You! Currently, I have developed a combination group movement session which includes low impact aerobics, line dancing, tai chi, yoga, pilates, and ends in guided meditation! All my students are loving it! Or I can design a unique program for you and your friends.
Only a couple of requirements: It has to be fun! You must keep breathing! You must focus on your alignment That's all! Can't wait to see you and your friends in the coming year! New Year, New You! Warmly, June Kittay